import numpy as np
# Quantization routines
def quantize(data: np.ndarray, scale: float, zero_point: int, bit_width: int):
q_data = zero_point + data / scale
min_qval, max_qval = -2.0 ** (bit_width - 1), 2.0 ** (bit_width - 1) - 1.0
# Rescaled numbers which are smaller than the minimum quantized value `min_qval` are clipped to
# this minimum value. Analogously for rescaled numbers greater than `max_qval`.
q_data_clipped = np.clip(q_data, min_qval, max_qval)
q_data_boxed = np.array(np.rint(q_data_clipped), dtype=np.int64)
return q_data_boxed
def dequantize(arr: np.ndarray, scale: float, zero_point: int | np.ndarray):
return ((arr - zero_point) * scale).astype(np.float32)
def quant_parameters(min_val: np.float32, max_val: np.float32, bit_width: int, asymmetric: bool):
min_qval, max_qval = -2.0 ** (bit_width - 1), 2.0 ** (bit_width - 1) - 1.0
if asymmetric:
scale = (max_val - min_val) / (max_qval - min_qval)
zero_point0 = min_qval - min_val / scale
zero_point = np.rint(zero_point0).astype(np.int64)
scale = (2 * max(max_val, min_val)) / (max_qval - min_qval)
zero_point = np.array(0, np.int64)
return scale, zero_point
def q_matmul(arr_a: np.ndarray, scale_a: float, zero_point_a: int,
arr_b: np.ndarray, scale_b: float, zero_point_b: int):
q_matmul_result = np.matmul(arr_a.astype(np.int64), arr_b)
scale = scale_a * scale_b
zero_points = (arr_a.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * zero_point_b
+ arr_b.sum(axis=-2, keepdims=True) * zero_point_a
- zero_point_a * zero_point_b * arr_a.shape[-1])
return q_matmul_result, scale, zero_points
def requantize(arr: np.ndarray, arr_scale: float, arr_zero_points: np.ndarray,
res_scale: float, res_zero_point: int, bit_width: int):
min_qval, max_qval = -2.0 ** (bit_width - 1), 2.0 ** (bit_width - 1) - 1.0
dequant = dequantize(arr, arr_scale, arr_zero_points)
qdata = np.clip(np.rint(res_zero_point + 1 / res_scale * dequant), min_qval, max_qval).astype(np.int64)
return qdata
# Trained MLP for circles dataset
# # Every row of `inp` contains the x and y position of a point
inp = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]], dtype=np.float32)
fc1_weight = np.array([[ 4.4037123 , -2.9683902 , -4.4077654 , 2.3313837 , 0.05330967], [-1.0420023 , 3.5323772 , -1.5059234 , 4.3279686 , -4.243471 ]], dtype=np.float32)
fc1_bias = np.array([-2.0229015, -2.446563 , -2.7381809, -2.715235 , -1.9951458], dtype=np.float32)
fc2_weight = np.array([[ 2.7341564, -2.7900338], [ 3.049221 , -3.114146 ], [ 2.761332 , -2.8246257], [ 3.0681298, -3.1184993], [ 2.8039508, -2.8363247]], dtype=np.float32)
fc2_bias = np.array([-4.372014, 4.457383], dtype=np.float32)
fc1_out = np.matmul(inp, fc1_weight) + fc1_bias # dense layer #1
fc1_act = fc1_out.copy()
fc1_act[fc1_out < 0] = 0.0 # first layer activation # activation #1 (relu)
fc2_out = np.matmul(fc1_act, fc2_weight) + fc2_bias # dense layer #2
fc2_act = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-fc2_out)) # activation #2 (sigmoid)
# Quantize MLP
# # Input
inp_scale, inp_zero_point = quant_parameters(inp.min(), inp.max(), bit_width=8, asymmetric=True)
inp_q = quantize(inp, inp_scale, inp_zero_point, bit_width=8)
# # FC layer 1
fc1_weight_scale, fc1_weight_zero_point = quant_parameters(fc1_weight.min(), fc1_weight.max(), bit_width=8, asymmetric=False)
fc1_weight_q = quantize(fc1_weight, fc1_weight_scale, fc1_weight_zero_point, bit_width=8)
fc1_out_scale, fc1_out_zero_point = quant_parameters(fc1_out.min(), fc1_out.max(), bit_width=8, asymmetric=True)
fc1_bias_q = quantize(fc1_bias, inp_scale * fc1_weight_scale, 0, bit_width=32)
# # FC layer 2
fc2_weight_scale, fc2_weight_zero_point = quant_parameters(fc2_weight.min(), fc2_weight.max(), bit_width=8, asymmetric=False)
fc2_weight_q = quantize(fc2_weight, fc2_weight_scale, fc2_weight_zero_point, bit_width=8)
fc2_out_scale, fc2_out_zero_point = quant_parameters(fc2_out.min(), fc2_out.max(), bit_width=8, asymmetric=True)
fc2_bias_q = quantize(fc2_bias, fc1_out_scale * fc2_weight_scale, 0, bit_width=32)
# Run inference using quantized MLP
# # FC layer 1
fc1_y, fc1_y_scale, fc1_y_zero_points = q_matmul(inp_q, inp_scale, inp_zero_point,
fc1_weight_q, fc1_weight_scale, fc1_weight_zero_point)
fc1_out_q = requantize(fc1_y + fc1_bias_q, fc1_y_scale, fc1_y_zero_points,
fc1_out_scale, fc1_out_zero_point, bit_width=8)
# # ReLU activation
fc1_act_q = fc1_out_q.copy()
fc1_act_q[fc1_out_q < fc1_out_zero_point] = fc1_out_zero_point
# # FC layer 2
fc2_y, fc2_y_scale, fc2_y_zero_points = q_matmul(fc1_act_q, fc1_out_scale, fc1_out_zero_point,
fc2_weight_q, fc2_weight_scale, fc2_weight_zero_point)
fc2_out_q = requantize(fc2_y + fc2_bias_q, fc2_y_scale, fc2_y_zero_points,
fc2_out_scale, fc2_out_zero_point, bit_width=8)
# Dequantize output of 2. FC layer
fc2_out_deq = dequantize(fc2_out_q, fc2_out_scale, fc2_out_zero_point)
# # Sigmoid activation on dequantized output of 2. FC layer
fc2_act_deq = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-fc2_out_deq))
with np.printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True):
print("fc2_act:\n", np.array2string(fc2_act))
print("fc2_act_deq:\n", np.array2string(fc2_act_deq))
print("quantized inference error:\n", np.abs(fc2_act_deq - fc2_act))